
Tuesday 30 September 2014

You Had Me At 'Fixer-Upper'

To set the scene, it was a lovely sunny Saturday, and our fourth weekend of house hunting. We already had a full day of house viewings booked, but noticed the listing of a rather scruffy little house on Rightmove. I grimaced at the decor but it was in a nice neighbourhood, so we thought we might as well have a quick peek, just in case. 

We rang the agent who said there hadn't been much interest in the scruffy house, and that we could view in the next hour or so if we liked. When we arrived, the estate agent unlocked the door, turned to us and said, "it's a bit of a fixer-upper..." and as we walked in, our hearts were won. Any home owners reading that last sentence will know exactly what I mean. It's the little flip your stomach does when you walk through the door and, no matter how bland and dark the colour scheme, you can imagine your life there in full technicolour.

Despite the imperfections and it being a 'project house' (or maybe because of that!) we hurriedly made an offer. It has two big bedrooms, two garages, plenty of quirky storage cupboards - and the important part - it's homely. When we found out it had been accepted, we spent the afternoon in an excited, shocked little bubble, and pretty much stayed that way until moving day (22/09/2014).

So here we are - Just about finished with unpacking having been in it for a week - Only one or two suitcases of clothes left to hang in the wardrobe tonight. Once that's done we can start with our plan of attack for the renovation! 

I hope you enjoyed this introductory post, I've got another post up my sleeve tomorrow with the to-do list of all the work that needs to be done... Follow us on Bloglovin or on your Google feed to stay in the loop with the updates!

- Em

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